Thursday, December 23, 2010




在我国的许多佛教圣地,人们常常可以看到观音菩萨的形象,特别是在四大佛教名山之一的普陀山上,相传 是观音显灵说法的道场,按现在的话讲,就是属于观音的领地。这里的观音菩萨自然更加意态昂然。

观 音本名观世音,梵语音译为"阿那婆娄吉低输" 或"阿婆卢吉低舍伐罗",与我国汉族寺庙中的文殊、普贤和地藏菩萨一起,并称为四大菩萨。在佛经中,称观音为大慈大悲的菩萨,受苦受难的众生,只要诚心诚 意地念诵其名,"观世音菩萨即时观其音声,皆得解脱",其名即由此而来。据说观音生于夏历二月十九,涅槃日是九月十九,成道日是六月十九。这三个日子都是 虔诚的信徒大事烧香供奉的重要日期。在唐代,因避唐太宗李世民之讳,观世音才改名为观音。观音在民众中可谓家喻户晓,电视连续剧《西游记》的播映,更使观 音提高了知名度。但若追问一句,观音是男性还是女性?恐怕能够确切答复的人不多,因为在所谓的观音像和有关观音的记载中,有的象男,有的似女,让人莫衷一 是。

有记载表明,观音原是印度婆罗门教的一个善童,名叫双马童,又叫马头观音。他的行动比思想还快。佛经中说他是"不太子,善男子,命其 名为 观世音。""如来国有二莲花化生二子,左名宝意,即是观世音。""释迦牟尼之二子速离死后为观世音。"在佛教中显教的一派认为,观音是阿弥陀佛的弟子,而 密教一派都说观音是阿弥陀佛左右的二胁士。《太平广记》中记载:有一个宦官,他的妻子无端被神所摄,昏迷不省人事,宦官便请了一尊观音菩萨,祈求保佑。宦 官的妻子夜里梦见一个和尚前来救她,而这个和尚便是观音。从以上记载和传说中,可知观音本为男性。

可是,民间有对观音呼为"娘娘"的习 惯,而 且记载中也有观音为女性的例证。如《编年通信》就曾记载,当南山道宣律师询问天神观音的缘起来历时,天神回答说:"往昔过去劫有主曰庄严,夫人曰宝应,生 三女,知曰妙颜,促曰妙音,季曰妙善,"妙善公主即是观音菩萨。还有记载说:"观音菩萨抗婚后入寺为尼,在厨下充当苦役。"这些记载又表明观音是一女性。

观音倒底是男是女,若从造像上看,大致可分二类,一类为男,二类为女。唐代以前的观音像大多体格刚健,秀骨清貌,并非女相;唐以后的观音像脸庞渐趋丰腴 圆润,尔后则脸形更显俏丽,双眉细长,黑发披佛,便成为女性形象了。

关 于观音究竟是男还是女,文人墨客们有不同看法,议论纷纷,各有所据。笔 者认为,很有可能观音本是男身,后来根据需要才演化成女性。目前流行的《宗教词典》上说,女相观音造像始于南北朝,盛于唐代以后。也有说法认为到了唐代, 观音才摇身而变成女性。其实,观音造像是逐渐演变的。初唐与盛唐时的观音像便有明显的区别,可以看出其渐变的过程,如造像穿上透明的裙衫,脸庞渐丰润,呈 富态状。这与当时的女子美的特点是相符的,只是还未完全变为女性。到了宋代,观音像才变成了女相。宋僧寿涯禅师曾用"金蔺茜裙"来描绘观音的服饰,在吴承 恩笔下,观音更是"玉面天生喜,朱唇一点红。""缨络垂珠翠,香环结室明,乌云巧叠盘龙髻,乡带轻飘彩凤翎。""九霄华汉里,现出女真人。"近代马骀在其 《画室》一书中,强调画观音法类同如来,似乎肯定了观音性别特征与如来相同,但在他的《仙佛图像画谱》中,观音的形象却是:鹅蛋脸形,双眉细长,下颔略 厚,黑发披指于耳侧。颈戴顶圈,胸襟半袒,微露内衬。腕套对镯,双手交叉倚靠溪畔岩石,十指纤细……宛似一个正在沉思的女真人。

有人认为,将 观音画作或塑成女身,是一个错误。明代的文学批评家胡应麟在《庄岳委谈》中谈到:"今塑画观音者,无不作妇人相。考《宣和画谱》,唐宋名手写观音甚多,俱 不饰妇人冠服,""唐以前塑像亦不作妇人也。元僧谫陋无识,以为妙庄玉女,可一笔也。"

包括胡应麟在内,在探讨观音性别时,不少人只依据画 像,而未追根溯源,考析佛家经典, 更没有考虑到佛事与生活的共同需要这一因素,以至不少人在判定观音性别时落笔含糊,扑朔迷离。

我 们认为,既然佛是人造的,那么,观音的形象就 可能依据人们的要求而由由男变女。最近曾有人分析了观音形象改变的原因,总结出两条。一是佛事的需要。"若有人好学出家,观音就以比丘尼身,女王身, 国王夫人身,命妇身,大家童女身对其说法。""观世音见比丘尼身,优婆夷身,长者,居士,宰官,婆罗门,妇女身,童男童女身,而为说法。"你看,为了说 法,观音可以改变身份、性别,民间称观音娘娘,不是很有道理的么?

原因之二是民众的需要。天地分阴阳,地球上的生命都有雄雌之分,人类中女 人占 了一半,连神仙鬼界都有女性。若唯独菩萨全是男性,岂不冷清。更主要的是这种"清一色"既不符合事物的发展规律,又不符合佛门生活的实际。况且,佛门弟子 中有不少女尼, 信佛敬佛的女人也很不少,如果没有个女菩萨,女信徒们成佛无望,难免挫伤她们的积极性和进取心,导致佛门冷落,香火不济,财源枯竭。人们会说,连佛界都重 男轻女,女人们修行也是白搭。而且天长日久地去膜拜男菩萨,难免有男女授受不清之嫌呢。

在人们的心目中,女性是平和、温柔、慈祥、仁爱的象 征,他们多么希望有一尊能为之宽心解颐、消灾弥难的女菩萨啊。

鉴 于上述原因,女菩萨的诞生已成必然,于是观音欣然接受了有识之士的高见,弥补 了女性观音这一美缺。他不负重望,终于变成一尊风姿窈窕的妙龄女郎。不仅女人们尊敬她,视为体已,而且男人们也敬重她,希望得到她的青睐和降福.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010



Joyce Mercedes, (globally known as female DJ) passed her Athenaeum-diploma and began a study Economics in Amsterdam. Next to her study in the 90's she started working as a dancer for leading organizations like Pantera and X-tension. Joyce performed in a sparkling dance show in the most famous clubs in the world. Her passion for music lies as well in her dancing as in her singing. In 1997-1999 Joyce Mercedes was part of "Centerfold", a singing group. In 1998 they performed in a sold out Amsterdam Arena during the pause of the classic football game Ajax-PSV. "Centerfold" also added lustre to the 15th year anniversary of Playboy. Joyce Mercedes also works regularly as a model, featuring in campaigns for Heineken, Campari, Gap-Star, Playboy, MAXIM and FHM magazines and has done various videoclips, commercials and guest rols in movie’s In 1999 Joyce Mercedes started DJ’ing. Acuminating in the residency DJ spot at the well known Amsterdam “Supperclub" and the 2 year "Space World Tour" to crown it all off. At this moment Joyce Mercedes has performed in more than 55 countries in almost every famous foreign club in Europe, North America, South-America as well as in the Far East. Shared stages with names such as John Digweed, Sasha, Paul van Dyk, and Derrick May. She Received her Audio Engineering degree in 2004 at the School of Audio Engineering (SAE) in Amsterdam, and studied further on the more specialized course in Electronic Music Production. She has now started with producing her own music. End 2007 she launched her own label QOC-Recordings and released varies underground dance music on it. She released 2 DJ mix compilations ‘Best female dj’s of the world” (Clubstar 2007) and her latest called Pure (QOC-recordings 2009). She now is working on her vocal singels with producer Gerry Owens. The first single is called ‘ give it up’, soon to be released Some clubs names out of many more:

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Most Beautifull DJ in The World

Niki Belucci is the symbol of beauty, health, eroticism, desire, freedom, charm, allurement, sexuality and energy.

The beautiful girl, Niki, who has a considerable past in sports, was 15 years old when she had to stop doing gymnastic on the apparatus after a serious injury. At this moment she possess 21 gold, 12 silver, 8 bronze medals and 2 sport cups as a sportswomen of the Ferencvárosi Gymnastic Club. She has finished in the Secondary School of Catering Trade but she has worked only a few months in her profession.

She was shop assistant in an underclothes shop when she was turned to connection with erotic photography and in soon she found herself in porn profession as an actress.

She spent 6 months in this field when she was 19 then in 2003, at the event of the Porno Oscar-price awarding gala she declared that she quits the porno industry as she wishes to make career of her former hobby, DJ-ing.

At that time she has already been roaming small clubs with her vinyl plates entertaining people. Niki launched herself into club life in the autumn of 2003. Thanks to her talent and ability she had about 160 performances per year in Hungary and in the neighbouring countries and new gates were opened to her in 2006 mainly abroad.

After touring the world 2 years, Niki was approached by Unlimited Sounds, home of the D.O.N.S and Jerry Ropero to release her next single and a mix compilation worldwide. So the story continues...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Superman Finds an Easier Way to Fly

A hero decides to take a break. And discovers a better way to take to the skies.